Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Celiac Disease

Before I get into my rant about celiac disease and how I'm not handling it...

I'm really glad I have a blog called "Things I think about". It makes it really easy for me to just spill my guts about whatever is uppermost in my mind.

Ideally, no one reads what I write here, but if they do... meh. If it's helpful or interesting to me, it might be to someone else. And if it just puts a smile on someone's face when they come across it, that's fine by me too.

And now,  back to this really dumb thing that I'm struggling with right now.

Celiac (or Coeliac) Disease.


And before I go much further, allow me to say that generally, I've become sort of okay with the idea, and I'm kind of glad that all these random things about my health that I've never been able to explain now have an explanation... but today, I'm just feeling mostly "ARGH!"

Also, I should clarify - I've had the blood test done, and it came back positive, but I did not go the next step and have an intestinal biopsy done to prove conclusively that I am celiac.


The list of things that are explained by my intolerance/allergy to gluten is as follows:

  • Scalp irritation/hair loss
  • Acne (all-over, body acne... lovingly referred to as "chicken skin" which is thankfully?? somewhat hidden by my multitude of freckles)
  • Migraines
  • Leg cramps (largely explaining my intense dislike -- "hate" is a very strong word for me -- of running and very flat shoes)
  • General digestive discomfort... bloating, irregular bowel movements, occasional bloody discharge... you get the picture. If you need/want more detail than that, google it.
  • Also, I blame some of my weight, or at least my absolute inability to lose weight on it, although the jury is still out on that.
Since I finally decided to deal with my health, had the test done, and stopped (mostly) eating gluten, I have to admit there are a few good things that have happened:
  • My scalp is not irritated.
  • I rarely get headaches/migraines
  • I have better skin (mostly, but hormones are also annoying...)
  • I've lost 20 lbs (so far)
But today, when I'm sitting at my desk, having gotten to work 1/2 an hour late because of an unanticipatedly long session on the toilet this morning, a still recovering scalp, hair falling out as though I was shedding a winter coat, and having been sleeping restlessly from sore legs for 3 days now... all because of a gluten binge last Saturday... (4 days ago!!!)

I just feel very annoyed at it all. And at myself for binge-ing (having binged?) in the first place.


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